Optimizing your Online Business Presence

Simple tasks that help grow your online Business Presence. Yep simple, but oh so confusing.


Marketing vs. Selling:

What is the difference and why does it matter to my Business? Simple, by understand some simple facts, when those salesmen so up pitching their wares, you won’t be so inclined to be victimized by the fancy jargon thrown around to make you feel as though you must do this or that when it is only the salesman who actually understands what this or that is and how it works. Think about this, would you place “Fancy Names” on your menu knowing that nobody understands what it means and then fast talk the customer into purchasing because they are too embarrassed to say they don’t understand? That is Sales that will repel customers in the long run. Instead, do you list your beverage on the menu as what it compares to most closely, then in the description tell about its differences and why the consumer would like this beverage better? That is Marketing, and will attract return customers for a long time.

MARKETING; talks to the prospective customer about the goods and services the customers wants or needs to satisfy and fulfill their long term knowledge needs.

SALES; talks about the immediate needs to fulfill the customers’ wants and needs, typically via sales, promotions or discounts.



Review Sites:


Social Media:


Search blog